Syphilis is a bacterial infection that’s usually transmitted via sexual contact. Syphilis begins in the form of a painless sore, usually on the mouth, rectum, or genitals. The disease spreads from person to person through mucous membrane or skin contact with these sores.

After a person is first infected, the bacteria from the disease can remain inactive in the body for decades before it becomes active again. In its early stages, it’s possible to cure syphilis, sometimes with just one shot of penicillin. Without any treatment, syphilis can severely damage your brain, heart, or other organs, and can even be fatal.

Cases of syphilis are currently at their highest ever since World War II in the UK. Because of this, it’s important to get tested if you suspect you might have or have been exposed to syphilis. By knowing the warning signs and symptoms of this disease, you’ll be able to more easily and effectively spot it and stop it from developing further. 

So if you’d like to learn more, then continue reading and we’ll walk you through the main signs and symptoms of syphilis that you need to be aware of.

1. Chancre Sores

A sore that you get from syphilis is known as a chancre. The sore will be located where the syphilis bacteria entered the body.

Chancre sores are typically painless, firm, and round. Sometimes, they can be open and wet. Usually, you’ll only have one sore, but it’s possible to have multiple. 

These sores can show up on the vagina, penis, vulva, scrotum, anus, and rarely, on the mouth or lips. These sores can also hide deep in the vagina, inside the rectum, under the foreskin, and in other places that are difficult to see. 

Syphilis sores are extremely contagious and can easily transmit the infection to another person during intercourse. It’s easy to mistake a chancre for a pimple, ingrown hair, or a harmless bump. And because these sores can live in hidden areas and aren’t painful, you might not even notice them.

These sores tend to show up anywhere between three weeks and three months after you get infected. The sore will usually last for around three to six weeks and then go away on its own, whether or not you get treatment. However, if you don’t get treatment, then you’ll still have syphilis, even if the sores are gone. 

In order to cure syphilis, you need to take medication.  

2. Rashes

Rashes on the soles of your feet, palms of your hands, and other parts of the body are among the secondary stage symptoms of syphilis. It can be hard sometimes to see this rash and it usually doesn’t itch. 

You might feel sick and experience mild flu-like symptoms, including feeling tired, swollen glands, muscle aches, a slight fever, sore throat, and a headache.

You can also have chancre sores in your anus, vagina, and mouth. You also might experience weight or hair loss.  

The syphilis rash can last from two weeks to six weeks at a time and it can come and go for up to two years. These rashes are similar to other common illnesses, so it can be difficult to tell if it’s syphilis.

The symptoms from this stage will go away by themselves with or without treatment. However, unless you get treated for syphilis, you will still have the infection in your body. It can then progress into the later stages which are much more dangerous. 

This is why it’s so important to use effective and powerful testing kits. Many testing kits today are using Treponema Pallidum Antigen, which is a key component of these kits.  

3. Internal Damage

In between the second stage and the late stage, there can be periods of time where your syphilis infection is latent. This means that there aren’t any symptoms or signs at all.

This latent stage can last for months or even years. However, you’ll still need to undergo treatment in order to get rid of it. 

People who have had syphilis for a long enough time will begin to face serious health issues.

Late stages of syphilis can cause paralysis, blindness, and tumors. It can also damage your brain, nervous system, and other organs. The disease can even kill you.

In the early stages, syphilis can be cured easily with antibiotics. If you get treatment after the early stages, then you can still be cured of the infection and will be able to stop any future damage to the body.

However, the damage that’s caused by syphilis in its later stages cannot be healed or changed. The complications that come from late-stage syphilis can occur ten to twenty years after you first become infected. 

The Importance of Knowing About the Warning Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis

As we can see, syphilis can be a scary and dangerous disease. This is why it’s so important to educate yourself about the different warning signs and symptoms of the disease. If you know what to look for, then you’ll be able to act quickly, should you notice any signs of concern. 

It’s important that you get tested for STIs often. This way, even if you don’t notice any symptoms, you can still be sure that you’re free of any infections before it’s too late. 

If you’re looking for Treponema Pallidum Antigen for your syphilis testing kits, then make sure to contact us today and see what we can do for you!