Our Alpaca Polyclonal Antibody service is carried out on our own sites in the UK operating under UK and European regulations. Our Animals are UK supplied.
Standard Package
Fully Inclusive - 77 Days
- 1 Alpaca
- 77 days Feed, Husbandry, Veterinary care if required
- 5 Immunisations
- 1 pre imm base line bleed (10mls serum)
- 3 test bleeds at days 28, 49, & 63 (10mls serum per bleed)
- Production Bleed of 300mls serum or plasma or 500mls whole blood
- Extension Prices
- £ per animal per day fully inclusive of all costs including injections test bleeds and monthly production bleed of 300mls serum or plasma or 500mls whole blood per animal
For any enquiries or questions, please don’t hesititate to contact us for further information